CranioSacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy (CST) involves light holding of the skull and sacrum and barely detectable movements. Indeed, the action of craniosacral therapy is so gentle and slight that it is the best example of the so-called “subtle” therapies, which claim to achieve profound health benefits with minor and safe interventions. Practitioners believe that the tiny manipulations of CST affect the pressure and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, the fluid that surrounds and cushions the brain and spinal cord.

The modern founder of CST, John Upledger, an osteopath,1 is one of the most famous personalities in complementary and alternative medicine. He built on much older ideas.2 Mr. Upledger says that CST “works with natural and unique rhythms of our different body systems to pinpoint and correct source problems.”
Craniosacral therapy (CST) — founded by an osteopath, John Upledger — is usually practiced by osteopaths, chiropractors and massage therapists. CST is a “subtle” therapy that involves light holding of the skull and sacrum with almost imperceptible movements. The idea is that such manipulations affect the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid and have profound therapeutic effects and are “good for” just about anything that ails you. Scientific research has shown that it is not possible to affect the pressure or circulatory rhythm of cerebrospinal fluid, and that CST therapists routinely come to different diagnostic conclusions when assessing the same patient. Even Complementary Therapies in Medicine “found insufficient evidence to support CST,” and Dr. Steve Hartman, as an osteopathic physician himself, harshly criticizes CST: “Craniosacral therapy lacks a biologically plausible mechanism, shows no diagnostic reliability, and offers little hope that any direct clinical effect will ever be shown … patients should invest their time, money, and health elsewhere.” Virtually the only thing CST is good for is that it is a relaxing touch therapy, but of course it is possible to provide relaxing touch to patients without the grandiose claims of exotic therapeutic effectivenes.

For Appointments WhatsApp :  +61448810086


  • Naturopathic Medicine
  • Homoeopathic Medicine
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Acupuncture
  • Colonic Irrigation Therapy
  • Diet and Nutrition
  • BioResonance
  • Allergy Testing
  • CranioSacral Therapy
  • Orthobionomy
  • Bowen Therapy
  • Remedial Massage
  • Herbal Medicine
  • Dorn Therapy

  • Stress
  • Body Structural Problems
  • IBS
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Cancer Support
  • Food and Chemical Sensitivities
  • Depression, Stress and Anxiety
  • Auto-Immunity
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Thyroid Conditions
  • Menopause/Menstrual Health
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder
  • Arthritis
  • Insomnia
  • Chronic Pain
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Food Sensitivity Testing