Homoeopathic Medicine is a system of healing that encourages the body’s own healing processes by stimulating the body’s own inate knowledge and vitality.
Homoeopathic medicines are safe to use on the youngest and most elderly of patients. Children especially benefit from the use of Homoeopathic remedies, as they are easy to take and fast acting. Many people suffering from a wide range of health problems can benefit from Homoeopathic treatment.

Common conditions treated include:
- Ear aches and infections
- Digestive complaints – diarrhea, IBS, constipation
- Fevers
- Respiratory infections
- Allergies
- Skin conditions
Homoeopathic medicine is now used worldwide, with a 200 year history of clinical experience. It is recognised by the World Health Organisation as a valid form of healthcare. Homoeopathic medicine has legal recognition as an individual system of medicine in 42 countries and is recognized as a part of complementary and alternative medicine in 28 others. Homoeopathic medicine may be used in the management of a variety of illnesses and conditions and minor accidents requiring first aid. It is a traditional medicine and may be used alongside conventional treatments and medications where applicable or required.
For Appointments WhatsApp : +61448810086
- Naturopathic Medicine
- Homoeopathic Medicine
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Acupuncture
- Colonic Irrigation Therapy
- Diet and Nutrition
- BioResonance
- Allergy Testing
- CranioSacral Therapy
- Orthobionomy
- Bowen Therapy
- Remedial Massage
- Herbal Medicine
- Dorn Therapy
- Stress
- Body Structural Problems
- Digestive Disorders
- Cancer Support
- Food and Chemical Sensitivities
- Depression, Stress and Anxiety
- Auto-Immunity
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Thyroid Conditions
- Menopause/Menstrual Health
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Arthritis
- Insomnia
- Chronic Pain
- Headaches and Migraines
- Food Sensitivity Testing