Scenar Therapy
Scenar therapy is a non-invasive, natural therapy using electrical impulses to treat acute and chronic pain
The Scenar device uses Biofeedback to enable the body to heal itself. The device sends out a series of constantly changing signals through the skin and measures the response.
When this balance is disrupted due to trauma or disease the Scenar device can re-establish and reactivate the bodies’ natural self-balancing capabilities. This stimulation of the bodies own adaptive systems can bring about some of the powerful changes the body may need to restore itself back to balance and health.
The SCENAR device works through your skin (transdermal). It uses computer-modulated, electrical impulses to stimulate your brain (electroneuro-stimulator). The brain responds with it’s own signal which is picked up by the SCENAR device.
The SCENAR device then interprets the brain’s response and modifies its next impulse back to the brain to work at restoring balance to the body (This is called active reflex biofeedback) The brain, in turn, sends a modified response (and so on) until equilibrium is achieved (homeostasis).
During this ‘conversation’, of constantly varying electrical frequencies and waveforms, the brain also instructs the nervous system to generate Neuropeptides (the key biochemicals needed by your body to heal itself – the body’s own pharmacy). This is what the body was designed to do.
After an injury or onset of disease the communication system between the brain and the affected body part can ‘break down’ or ‘get used to’ the signal from that body part. The brain begins to accept the abnormal signal as “Normal”. This is a reason why many conditions become chronic and unresponsive to treatment. SCENAR breaks the body out of this habit and restores correct communication resulting in effective and more complete healing.
The electrical pulses from the SCENAR device have been specifically designed to contain numerous random features to prevent your body from ‘adapting’ to the stimulation and to help the body continue the healing process to its completion.
Because of its unique, computer controlled biofeedback capabilities and ability to stimulate Neuropeptide generation, the SCENAR achieves excellent healing results.

For Appointments WhatsApp : +61448810086
- Naturopathic Medicine
- Homoeopathic Medicine
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Acupuncture
- Colonic Irrigation Therapy
- Diet and Nutrition
- BioResonance
- Allergy Testing
- CranioSacral Therapy
- Orthobionomy
- Bowen Therapy
- Remedial Massage
- Herbal Medicine
- Digestive Disorders
- Cancer Support
- Food and Chemical Sensitivities
- Depression, Stress and Anxiety
- Auto-Immunity
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Thyroid Conditions
- Menopause/Menstrual Health
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Arthritis
- Insomnia
- Chronic Pain
- Headaches and Migraines
- Food Sensitivity Testing